A new list of indicators used in the calculation of the ICT development index

10.03.2017 #ITU

During the Extraordinary Meeting of the Expert Group on ICT Household Indicators (EGH) and Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators (EGTI), which took place in Geneva, Switzerland, on  March 1-3, 2017, a new list of indicators used in the calculation of the ICT development index (IDI) was agreed on. 

The Extraordinary Meeting adopted a total of 14 indicators to be included in the IDI compared to the current list of 11 indicators. The list of IDI indicators agreed on by the Meeting is given in the following table: 


An indicator


Access sub-index

1. Percentage of households with a computer


2. Percentage of households with Internet access


3. International Internet bandwidth (bps) per Internet user


4. Percentage of the population covered by mobile networks:

– at least 3G;

– at least LTE/WiMax.


5. Fixed-broadband subscriptions by speed tiers as a percentage of total fixed-broadband subscriptions:

–  256 kbps to 2 Mbps;

– 2 Mbps to 10 Mbps;

– 10 Mbps and more;


Use sub-index

1. Percentage of individuals using the Internet


2. Active mobile-broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants

subscriptions per 100 inhabitants

3. Mobile-broadband Internet traffic per mobile-broadband subscription

is being clarified

4. Fixed-broadband Internet traffic per fixed-broadband subscription

is being clarified

5. Percentage of individuals who own a mobile phone


Skills sub-index

1. Mean years of schooling rate


2. Secondary gross enrolment ratio


3. Tertiary gross enrolment ratio


4. Proportion of individuals with ICT skills

is being clarified


Two indicators were dropped from an access sub-index (fixed-telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants and mobile-cellular subscriptions per 100 inhabitants), because they did not accurately reflect the current trends in the development of ICT. Percentage of the population covered by mobile networks (at least 3G and at least LTE/WiMax) and fixed-broadband subscriptions by speed tiers as a percentage of total fixed-broadband subscriptions were added instead. 

Fixed-broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants indicator was dropped from an use sub-index. And a few more thoroughly reflecting the level of ICT usage indicators were added.

Proportion of individuals with ICT skills indicator, which reflect the level of ICT skills of the population in each of the studied countries, was added to a skill sub-index.  

The weights of the indicators and sub-indexes included in the IDI, as well as the calculation methodology, will be determined by EGH and EGTI later. 

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