The Law of the Republic of Belarus "On conformity assessment to Technical Requirements and accreditation of conformity assessment authorities" came into force on July, 30 2017.
EMC Laboratory under JSV Giprosvjaz conducts assessment of telecommunication equipment.
Specialists from the communication systems and networks department of JSV "Giprosvjaz" together with the specialists from the department of communications equipment power supply and architecture and construction department have designed the project "Reconstruction of a complex of Dinamo Stadium objects in Minsk. Radio communication"
Specialists from the communication systems and networks department of JSV "Giprosvjaz" works on the project: "External engineering infrastructure of the China-Belarus Industrial Park"
The Resolution of the Council of Ministers № 77 dated January 27, 2017 "On amendments and additions to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers № 849 dated 21 October 2016» states that compulsory conformity assessment implementation terms have been changed.
Engineering exploration is conducted according to all existing regulations and technical normative legal acts. Exploration is held by highly qualified specialists, which helps to improve the quality of produced documentation and to cut terms of exploration works.
Telecommunication Devices and Services Certification Centre holds the works on conformity assessment of telecommunication devices with the help of electronic resource e-cert.by.